Saturday, March 7, 2009

20 states seeking liberty or secession

Is it me or has the government become like “the blob”? Leaving a trail of bureaucratic police state slime as it creeps along devouring everything we work for and getting larger with everything it consumes. The united states government is turning into a monster that is bent on consuming our wealth and controlling and micromanaging our lives. While I'm sure it is not as bad as a lot of third world countries, that is where we are heading. Mark my words, this is my prediction; in the next 15 to 20 years, if we don't majorly change direction, we will be like a third world country. If you can't see this it is time to take the horse blinders off my friend, because our reality in this here united states is more and more taxes, Obama just allowed another major tax hike to come into effect. More and more laws, lobbyists are working around the clock to pass a virtual avalanche of special interest laws, most of which I can assure you, do not have your best interest at heart. Money grabbing by our very own leaders, let me just site the stimulus package as a prime and very relevant example, a blatant robbing of the American people, basically what they did was have every citizen in America take out a $50,000+ loan for which they received a pittance of the actual cash and go into debt deeper then they were before “our leaders” of the banking industry caused this whole debacle. There is no reason that we should bail out These yahoos, I say let them fail! Let some one else take their place, some one who is more more efficient and skilled who has a better business model. What a load of bull puckey! I could go further into this and break that statement down for you, but that is the subject of another blog...hopefully you get the gist. Obama has doubled our national debt basically from 1 up to 2 trillion dollars since he has been in office. Lest you think that I am anti-Obama, I am not, I think McCain was also an ineffective person with a lot of bad ideas and on top of that he had absolutely no charisma. All these factors and many more are like a giant hoover of freedom sucking. Thankfully there do seem to be a fair amount of US citizens who recognize it for what it is. Due to the governments agenda of a complete retraction of liberty for it's citizens, there seems to be a movement afoot to give the federal government a sort of ultimatum, Stop retracting our freedoms or we may exercise the option to recede from the union. 20 states have now proposed similar bills with these ultimatums...that is not far from half of the entire union! My fondest hope would be that the government officials would recognize what this country needs and what it's citizens are clamoring for and respond appropriately, But more then likely they are gonna require some serious kicks in the shorts for even some moderate redirection.

We are entitled to liberty via the rights bestowed on us by the constitution! Those rights are what we were founded on, what we thrived on and the only thing that will bring us back to our rightful place in the world as the only country with a free and sovereign citizenship! Do we really want to give that up? Of course there will always be evil people or entities who seek to exploit us for their own personal gain, but if Americans can't stop them from taking over and turning our country into just another tyranical country, then who can? I don't care what anyone says, if america fails, then the world looses hope, because if Americans, a country of rugged individualim and dyed in the wool independence won't fight the creeping opression, then what chance does the rest of the world have who have never even known freeedom? We need to get back to constitutional thinking. I can't think of one modern politician that is half as smart as any of our founders, can you? Although they seem to be awfully creative when it comes to bilking the populace out of their hard earned money. My preference of course would be to remain strongly united as a country, but if America hasn't corrected its course by the time one of the states actually secedes, I believe I will gravitate to the place most free. Anywho, “the free state project” it!

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